X Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought (AISPE) Conference

Treviso (Italy), 27-29 March 2008

Call for Papers:

Humanism and Religion in the History of Economic Thought


Main Theme:

Is it possible to develop economic theories maintaining a moral vision of society? Can the "just" be combined with the "true"? To what extent is the growth of scientifically analysable social phenomena compatible with notions acquired by faith?

Economists, social scientists and scholars have constantly reflected on these issues, at least since the XVIII century when economic research claimed a specific domain of scientific autonomy. Unlike the questions, however, the answers provided are far from repetitive - rather, they reflect the changes in methodological and analytical positions  which, in over two centuries of history, have undergone considerable evolution.

The juxtaposition of "Humanism" and "Religion" in the title is not intended to point to new lines of investigation or suggest decisive combinations and parallelisms; it is simply an invitation to reflect more systematically than previously on the coherence and relevance of these changing responses, and on the possible adjustments required in order to pinpoint the distinguishing features of our contemporary world.

Humanism represents a complex cognitive strategy encompassing the simultaneous presence of aspects which are otherwise analysed only separately or which even conflict with one another. The reference to religion addresses those economic theories in which beliefs, incontrovertible human concepts and ideals rooted in specific articles of faith have played a fundamental role. 
As is known, the history of economic thought testifies to the presence of a wide range of different methodological tendencies and cognitive purposes. The economists who have adopted a positivist perspective have been careful to establish a demarcation line between  themes that inspire economic rationality and those pertaining to the ethical-religious dimension of social coexistence. The economists who also represented the principles of the Christian faith, on the other hand, sensed the constraints of the utilitarian philosophical tradition of Hume and Bentham, and attempted to define an approach in tune with their basic principles: this meant including in the economic theme the religious dimension of our civilisation, or a hierarchy of social values and human needs.

The organising committee wishes to stimulate reflection on and research into the importance of the various visions of the values, rights and dignity of man in determining the evolution of economic science, both by playing the role of critic and by promoting new concepts or indicating more appropriate research methods.

Other sessions:

According to the AISPE tradition, "free" sessions including papers on different general topics related to the History of Economic Thought will be organised.

Official languages:

Italian, English

IV Costantino Bresciani Turroni Aispe Award:

Authors below the age of 35 on 1.3.2008 are invited to submit their work, by that date, for the IV Costantino Bresciani Turroni AISPE Award. During the conference the winner will be announced and the prize awarded.

1 November 2007 - Deadline for abstracts

30 November 2007 - Acceptance of abstracts

1 March 2008 - Deadline for papers

27-29 March - X AISPE conference

Organising committee:

Faculty of Law of the University of Padua in Treviso: Anna Pellanda and Stefano Solari

Interdepartment Centre for the Culture of Globalisation of the University of Venice in Treviso: Ferruccio Bresolin and Alberto Giacomin

Abstracts (max 500 words) and proposals for sessions (max 1000 words) must be submitted by 1 November 2007  to Stefano Solari by e-mail: [log in to unmask] 

All information concerning the conference will be published in the website: http://www.giuri.unipd.it/~AISPE-2008/

Gianfranco Tusset