The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 
"for his seminal studies of industrial structures, functioning of markets 
and causes and effects of public regulation"

Just to remind us, that while Stigler was also a historian of economic 
thought, the Prize citation copied from the Nobel Website, did not mention 

There are many others, such as Don Patinkin, for example, who worked in HET 
at the same time as making major contributions in Economics itself. Indeed, 
if my memory is correct, when given the HES Distinguished Fellow Award in 
Richmond, Patinkin, as many may remember, said in effect that he did not 
consider his work in  HET as his major contribution...

In any event, most who work in HET also work in other fields of Economics. 
This is the major reason why many of us who are in the HET field are 
actually employed in University Economics Departments, and not as history 
teachers in high school, or as bureaucrats in Statistical Bureaus, such as 

Warren Young