
Get Ready to Bundle up for

Another Fall Season of

AAO Workshops!



Arch208: Rules for Archival Description

October 20th - 21st, 2007

This course introduces the Rules for Archival Description.  In it, the student will develop an appreciation of RAD as a means to describing the fonds and will learn to write descriptions, which promote the understanding of context, content, and structure surrounding the fonds or collection.

Note this course is a prerequisite for all 300-level RAD courses.

Instructor:         Paul Henry

Location:          Upper Canada College, Toronto, Ontario



Arch308: Fundraising

November 3rd - 4th, 2007

This course focuses on the basics of fundraising and how to involve the board and volunteers in fundraising activities.  Topics include donor relations and recognition, types of campaigns and some basic legal and administrative issues that are critical to the fundraising process.

Instructor:         TBA

Location:          London Museum, London, Ontario



Grant Preparedness Seminar

November 17th, 2007

This practical, hands-on workshop is designed specifically for small institutions.  Participants will learn the basics, tricks, tips, and pitfalls of writing proposals.  Mock funding proposals, based on actual successful and unsuccessful grant apliactions, will also be critiqued.

Instructor:         Paul Leatherdale

Location:          Queen’s University Archives, Kingston, Ontario





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