------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW --------------
Published by EH.NET (October 2007)

Price Fishback et al editors, _Government and the American Economy: A 
New History_. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. xix + 613 
pp. $35 (paper), ISBN: 978-0-226-25128-8.

Reviewed for EH.NET by Gavin Wright, Department of Economics, 
Stanford University.

Dedicated to Robert Higgs and prepared by a group of his friends, 
colleagues and former students, _Government and the American Economy_ 
differs substantially from the conventional academic festschrift. 
Rather than inviting scholars to submit original papers and then 
tortuously pounding them into a theme to please a publisher -- the 
most common scenario in our profession -- this group has assigned 
time periods and specialty topics to individual authors, so as to 
generate a comprehensive historical survey of government in American 
economic history. The result is a series of stimulating cameos by a 
distinguished assemblage of economic historians.

The lead editor is Price Fishback, the Frank and Clara Kramer 
Professor of Economics at the University of Arizona, who contributes 
a dedication, an introductory chapter, and three substantive essays 
-- on the Progressive Era, the New Deal, and the Post-World War II 
period. Another two-time contributor is Gary Libecap, who covers both 
"Property Rights and Federal Land Policy" and "The Federal 
Bureaucracy: From Patronage to Civil Service." The rest of the cast 
is as follows: Stanley L. Engerman on Government in Colonial America; 
Robert A, McGuire on the Founding Era (1774-1794); Richard Sylla on 
the financial system since 1789; John Joseph Wallis on the National 
Era (1790-1860); Jeffrey Rogers Hummel on the Civil War and 
Reconstruction; Robert A. Margo on government and race; Mark 
Guglielmo and Werner Troesken on the Gilded Age; Sumner La Croix on 
Labor, Education and Health; Robert Higgs on the World Wars; Randal 
R. Rucker and E.C. Pasour Jr. on farm programs; and Lee Alston and 
Joseph P. Ferrie on the role of the South in shaping U.S. welfare 

What general themes emerge from this 600-page, four-century inquiry 
into the role of government in the American economy? In truth, 
unifying themes are not easy to find. In light of Bob Higgs' 
well-known libertarian position, one might have expected to encounter 
skepticism and perhaps even hostility towards government actions, and 
such perspectives are indeed represented in the volume. But 
Fishback's dedication is careful to say that not all the contributors 
fully share Higgs' views on government, and it appears that the 
writing process (as opposed to the assignment of topics) was highly 
decentralized. Thus Sylla paints a generally positive picture of the 
evolution of the U.S. financial system to its present status as "just 
about the best financial system in the world" (115), albeit a record 
punctuated by misguided policy reversals. Wallis emphasizes the 
active growth-promoting policies of state governments in the 
antebellum era (during which economic growth accelerated towards 
modern rates), and notes that the appropriateness of this activism 
was "never seriously challenged" at that time (182). Margo notes that 
governments have often been hostile, but at other times beneficial, 
to the wellbeing of African-Americans (249-50). Thus, the essays in 
the volume reflect a diversity of conclusions and perspectives on the 
impact of government policies at various times. Unfortunately, these 
variations or differences of opinion (if that is what they are) are 
not really joined or confronted explicitly in the volume.

Although the introductory material does not quite say so, the essays 
seem addressed mainly to students or to general-interest readers, 
rather than to specialists. If there is a general weakness, it is 
that many of the essays have a textbookish character, bending over 
backwards to be "fair and balanced," and referring the interested 
reader to the literature (often the author's own work) rather than 
making a forceful case for a favored interpretation. Personally, I 
prefer the more argumentative, provocative chapters, such as Jeff 
Hummels' argument that the Civil War marked the decisive transition 
in the rise of State power, or Bob Higgs' similar case for the 
lasting impact of the World Wars in the twentieth century. Virtually 
any of the chapters can be assigned as a reliable guide to the 
literature, but if you want to provoke response and discussion from 
students, I recommend Hummels and Higgs.

The same might be said for the concluding chapter by Price Fishback, 
"Seeking Security in the Postwar Era," whose opening footnote 
generously credits Bob Higgs for much of the organization and many of 
the insights. The central theme is that "after World War II the 
demand for government protection rose to new heights, and the 
corresponding loss of individual economic liberties proceeded apace" 

There is an interesting progression in the three Fishback chapters. 
The Progressive Era is interpreted as "interest group politics writ 
large," sometimes with Win-Win outcomes, as in the case of Workers' 
Compensation -- the subject of Fishback's prize-winning book (joint 
with Shawn Kantor). On the New Deal (another object of his own 
research attention), Fishback's conclusion is judiciousness itself: 
"There were so many changes and so many programs and so many problems 
that it is hard to sort out how successful the New Deal programs were 
at resolving these issues" (417). Thus, Fishback does not contend 
with the major interpretive syntheses of the New Deal, such as David 
Kennedy's _Freedom from Fear_. When it comes to the postwar era, 
however, the chapter portrays an inexorable extension of government 
regulation and power, with no end in sight other than those set by 
the consideration that "an increasingly voracious predator must 
ultimately destroy its prey and therefore its means of sustenance" 
(546). The positive government-assisted economic and social 
achievements of the postwar era -- expanded educational 
opportunities, improved access to home ownership, virtual abolition 
of poverty among the elderly, social and economic liberation for 
African-Americans, women, and other minorities, and dramatic 
improvement in environmental conditions, to list just a few -- are 
barely or grudgingly mentioned. (Environmental gains are 
acknowledged, but the main focus of this section [537-542] is on the 
inefficiency of much environmental regulation.)

There are at least two possible ways to interpret this pattern. One 
is that the country really has been on a long downward slide, so that 
the mixed outcomes of governmental activity in earlier eras 
ultimately gave way to the grimly oppressive reality of more recent 
times. Another possibility, however, is that in those subject areas 
on which Fishback has himself conducted careful, detailed, empirical 
research, he is more inclined to see the full range of successes, 
failures, and trade-offs that comprise the historical record.

These observations are only meant to say, however, that the chapter 
succeeds in capturing attention and provoking responses. Like the 
volume as a whole, it can be recommended with confidence to scholars, 
students and interested readers.

Gavin Wright is the William Robertson Coe Professor of American 
Economic History at Stanford University. His article, "The Economics 
of the Civil Rights Revolution," will appear in Winfred O. Moore, Jr. 
and Orville Vernon Burton, editors, _Towards the Meeting of the 
Waters: The Civil Rights Movement in South Carolina_ (University of 
South Carolina Press).

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