U.S. Book Launch

by Andrew Kliman
(Lexington Books, 2007)

Thursday, November 8 at 7:00 p.m.
Sociology Lounge
CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan (between 34th & 35th Streets)
New York City
(check in at front desk; must show photo ID to enter)

Stanley Aronowitz, Dept. of Sociology, CUNY Graduate Ctr.
Andrew Kliman, author of _Reclaiming Marx's "Capital"_
Bertell Ollman, Dept. of Politics, New York University
Richard Wolff, Dept. of Economics, U Mass - Amherst

_Reclaiming Marx's "Capital"_ will be available for purchase for $22 (18% off the list price of $26.95).

Written especially for the non-specialist reader, with minimal math, _Reclaiming Marx's "Capital"_ seeks to reclaim _Capital_ from the myth of inconsistency, a myth that serves to justify the censorship of Marx's critique of political economy and present-day research based on it. Kliman shows that the alleged inconsistencies are actually caused by misinterpretation.

Praise for _Reclaiming Marx's "Capital"_:
"A tremendously powerful refutation of all those smart ass economist dude arguments that 'Marx is inconsistent.'" -- Glenn Rikowski, educational theorist

"Returns Marx's own work to centre stage. An important unifying work, rather than just another divisive personal opinion." -- Nick Potts, Southampton Solent U.

"Sorts out a bewildering tangle of approaches and issues in order to demonstrate that the charge of internal inconsistency is false." --Thomas Jeannot, Philosophy, Gonzaga U.

"Kliman demonstrates that the Marxist theory can by all means be *interpreted* in a way that avoids the purported inconsistencies." -- Wolfgang Fritz Haug, _Das Argument_

"He has stripped away the obfuscations of the neo-Ricardians. Marx did not make theoretical errors (at least in the areas that the critics have claimed)." -- Michael Roberts, marxist.com economics columnist

"A strong case to be considered the most compelling and consistent interpretation of _Capital_." -- Joseph Choonara, _International Socialism_ journal

"Someone has finally rescued Marx from the Marxists." -- Alan Freeman, U. of Greenwich

"I was impressed with Kliman's refutation of the Okishio theorem. I didn't think that was possible." -- Robert Vienneau, "Thoughts on Economics" blog

"Kliman's answers make sense. They convince me that much of what passes as Marxist economics is deeply flawed." -- Sam Friedman, amazon.com review


The Book Launch is sponsored by The New SPACE
(The New School for Pluralistic Anti-Capitalist Education)
[log in to unmask]     Tel: 1 (800) 377-6183  
See http://new-space.mahost.org for Fall courses and talks


For more information about _Reclaiming Marx's "Capital"_, see the author's website:http://akliman.squarespace.com/reclaiming/

Andrew Kliman