Dear all,

Please find below the 2007-2008 programme for the H2S Seminar.
Available papers are downloadable at:

Sincerely yours,

Loic Charles, Philippe Fontaine and Claire Lemercier

ENS Cachan, Cournot Building, Room #225


17 September at 11:00am
Marc Flandreau et alii, IEP de Paris
The Bell Jar: Commercial interest rates between two revolutions, 1688-1789

22 October at 11:00am
Carl Wennerlind, Columbia University
History of political economy as economic history: 
The early life of the South Sea Company

26 November at 12:30pm
Roger Backhouse, University of Birmingham
Defining economics: Robbins's Essay in theory and practice

10 December at 11:00am
Robert Leonard, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al
>From Austroliberalism to Anschluss: Oskar 
Morgenstern and the Viennese economists in the 


14 January at 11:00am
Patrick Wallis, London School of Economics
Apprentices and the mobility of labour in early modern England

18 February at 11:00am
Francesca Carnevali, University of Birmingham
Does cooperation come for free? Institutions and 
social capital in Britain and America in the 19th 

17 March at 11:00am
Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey, London School of Economics
Deliberating monetary policy

14 April at 11:00am
Erik Buyst, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Central banking in 19th-century Belgium: Was the 
National Bank of Belgium a lender of last resort?

13 May at 11:00am
Tiago Mata, Technical University of Lisbon
Writing about the dollar, economic expertise in 
the New York Times and Wall Street Journal in 