----- Forwarded by Regina Pinto/fs/YorkU on 10/31/2007 04:13 PM -----
"Turgay Kirbiyik" <[log in to unmask]>

10/31/2007 03:57 PM

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How to Order your SWEATERS!!!!!!!!

There are two ways you can order your sweater.

1) At the SAHMPI table tomorrow (Nov. 1st) in MAIN floor of HNE building, between 10-4pm. You must pay the final amount of $45 at the time of placing your order.  We will also be tabling next week, but its important that you place your order asap.

2) You can place your orders to any SAHMPI Executive. These individuals will have with them, order sheets to complete your order on the spot. Remember you must pay the final amount of $45 at the time of placing your order.

List of SAHMPI Executives:

Abby Cooper
Stephanie Nardella
Veronica Yu
Henry Yang
Turgay Kirbiyik

If you have any questions, feel free to ask any executive at
[log in to unmask].

Cost of sweaters is $45. And is available in three programs in health studies programs.  For colours, please have a look at the attached email.  Upon completion of your order, it will take roughly about 2 weeks to get your sweater, due to high volume of orders.

Turgay Kirbiyik
Student Association of Health Management, Policy, and Informatics. (SAHMPI)

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Health As a Bridge to Peace (HBP)

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Faculty of Health Councilor,
York Federation of Students (YFS)