A Conference on

The Nature And Significance of Economic Science

75th Anniversary of Lionel Robbins?s Essay.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of Lionel Robbins?s Essay on the
Nature and Significance of Economic Science. The Department of Economics
at LSE and the editors of Economica are marking the event by a 
conference and a special issue of the journal. The purpose of this 
conference is to renew the considerations of Robbins?s theme and reflect 
on the current nature and significance of economic science as well as 
examine Robbins?s own position from a historical perspective.

Speakers include: Tony Atkinson, Ken Binmore, Lawrence Blume, Richard
Lipsey and Robert Sugden

The Conference will take place at LSE on 10-11 December 2007.

There are no conference fees. Participation includes luncheon on both
days of the conference and a conference dinner on Monday, 10/12.
However, there are a limited number of places and registration is on
the basis of first come first served.

You can obtain your registration form and examine the programme of the
conference at:


Frank Cowell and Amos Witztum

Conference organisers

Companies Act 2006 : http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/companyinfo

Amos Witztum