Hi, Joe,

In "The Characterization of Jim in HF" (19thC Lit 43.3 [Dec.1988]), Forrest
Robinson credits Spencer Brown's 1967 article, "HF for Our Time" (_Michigan
Quarterly Review_ 6) as the first scholarly argument that Jim deliberately
conceals the corpse's identity to keep Huck with him.  As I recall, Thomas
Weaver and Merline Williams had a good discussion in "MT's Jim:  Identity as
an Index to Cultural Attitudes" in one of the 1980 issues of _ALR_.  James
M. Cox's "A Hard Book to Take" is notable for suggesting that Jim may have
acted from both self interest and parental concern, which seems to me an
important and difficult concept, that they're not mutually exclusive

I know there are others, but these come to mind.
