David, I know that other folks on this list have responded to you privately
in the past, taking issue with the tone of many of your posts.  I perhaps
should do the same, but I choose, after much thought, to do so on the list.

I realize that your upcoming book, Mark Twain Day By Day, is a major work of
scholarship.  I happened to put in an order for it the other day, and I know
it is going to be invaluable to me personally in a project I am now working
on.  So I am happy to know that you are making a major contribution to Mark
Twain studies.

You may be surprised to know, however, that you are not the only "expert" in
the world on Mark Twain. Many of your contributions to this list make you
seem like an insufferable person (I eupemize mightilty).  Your most recent
attack on Judith Lee goes over the line, and I for one will not let it pass
without comment. Let's put irony aside, since as Twain says in Puddn'head
Wilson, "Irony was not for those people"--and I assume it might not be a
graspable concept for you.  (Hell, I can't put irony aside, not when it
stares us so in the face:  questioning the validity of the study and
analysis of humor on a list devoted to Mark Twain?  And quoting a letter
from Mark Twain that was entirely analytical about humor--as he often was?)

The Mark Twain list is a valuable resource and a friendly community of
people,academics and non-academics, who are interested in Mark Twain.  I
have bemoaned the lack of conversation from time to time on here, and I read
with interest any genuine discussion and even argument--but snide, hurtful,
and I have to say ingorant personal attacks do not have a place on any
internet discussion list, and I think it is the duty of fellow participants
to call out those who break those rules of decorum.

Unless that person just WANTS to make everybody else think he's a
(euphemizing mightily--please fill in the blanks).

Your pal,

John Bird

-----Original Message-----
>From: David H Fears <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Jan 14, 2008 12:30 PM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: American Studies Association 2008--Panel on Humor
>Gee, Judith, you prove my point. I didn't laugh, chuckle or even smile
while reading your response; but I did yawn twice.