Peter Fireman played a part in the history of the transformation of 
value into prices as he won the "Prize Essay Competition" (Howard and King).
During the last two years I devoted a lot of time gathering biographical 
details about his eventful very long life. He was born in Russia in 
1863, was a leader of the Jewish agrarian communistic colony called New 
Odessa (Oregon), then got a Phd in chemistry in Switzerland where he 
wrote in academic journal about the theory of value and  married 
Ernestine Weitz (among the first women to hold a scientific PhD 
worldwide) - He took some important Us patents in chemistry, went back 
in Russia after 1917.. etc.. and died in 1962 (he was 99 years old).
Eventually I could have probably save a lot of time if I had an access to :
LC Control No.:       34004843
Type of Material:     Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Main Title:     Encyclopedia of American biography.
Published/Created:     New York, American Historical Society, 1934-
I discoverd his bio sketch include a picture
and / or
 Fireman, Peter
    * Biography Index. A cumulative index to biographical material in 
books and magazines. Volume 9: September, 1970-August, 1973. New York: 
H.W. Wilson Co., 1974. (BioIn 9)
    * The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Volume 52. New 
York: James T. White & Co., 1970. Use the Index to locate biographies. 
(NatCAB 52)
    * Who Was Who in America. A component volume of Who's Who in 
American History. Volume 4, 1961-1968. Chicago: Marquis Who's Who, 1968. 
(WhAm 4)

I guess it is probably no more than a few pages and I will be very 
thankful if somebody could check in a library and send me copies

Alain Alcouffe