Fourth STOREP European Summer School (SESS) 
Bressanone /Brixen, 21-31 August 2008

General Description
The main aims of the STOREP European Summer School are:
- to provide advanced training for postgraduate 
students in economics of any orientation and 
field of specialization;
- to broaden the horizons of young economists on 
the relevance of the history of political economy 
for a better comprehension and further 
advancement of contemporary economics;
- to allow young economists to meet fellows and 
scholars from different countries with different 
backgrounds and aspirations but with the same 
research interests in the wide field of political 
economy or related disciplines.

The Summer School has a duration of 10 days. Two 
main lectures by invited speakers are given in 
the morning of each day. In the afternoons Young 
Scholar Seminars will take place, in which Ph.D. 
and Post-doc students will present and discuss 
their research papers or projects with senior 

Among the lecturers of the 2008 edition are:
Brad Bateman (Denison University, Granville, Ohio, USA)
Avi Cohen (York University, Toronto, Canada)
Jan Kregel (UNDESA, United Nations, New York, and 
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
Heinz Kurz (University of Graz, Austria)
Tony Lawson (Cambridge University, UK)
Bertram Schefold (J.W. Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt, Germany)

Among the topics of the 2008 edition:
- Predicting an Unexpected Future for the History of Economic Thought
- Issues in the Hayek/Knight Capital Controversy
- The Creation and Evolution of Post Keynesian theory
- Endogenous Growth, Old and New
- What is Wrong with Modern Economics?
- Max Weber as an Economist and an Economic Historian

The Organizers
SESS is organized by STOREP (the Italian 
Association for the History of Political Economy) 
in collaboration with the University of Padova in 
Bressanone/Brixen and is held at the Accademia 
Cusano/Cusanus Akademie, Piazza Seminario 2. 
Bressanone/Brixen is a small South Tyrol city 
located in the valley of Isarc river and 
surrounded by the beautiful Dolomiti mountains. 
The official language of SESS is English.

Direction and Coordination of the School:
Prof. Ferdinando Meacci (University of Padova, SESS Director)
Prof. Salvatore Rizzello (Universit? del Piemonte Orientale, STOREP Secretary)
Dr. Katia Caldari (University of Padova, SESS Secretary)
Dr. Anna Spada (Universit? del Piemonte Orientale, SESS Administrator)

The school is targeted to doctorate and 
post-doctorate students in economics, economic 
history and related disciplines and to young 
economists in general. Participants will be 
selected on the basis of their CV and the 
information provided in the application form, 
downloadable from website

The deadline for applications is June 1, 2008.

Applications should be sent via e-mail to Dr. Katia Caldari, SESS secretary.

Accepted candidates will be notified by June 15, 2008

Fees and Scholarships
SESS is funded partly by sponsors and partly by 
tuition fees. The tuition fee for the 2008 
edition is =80350. The fee will cover 
registration and full accommodation at the 
Accademia Cusano/Cusanus Akademie, Piazza 
Seminario 2, Bressanone/Brixen 
( plus materials and 
leisure activities. The fee must be paid in two 
instalments: 1st instalment of =80200 by June 30, 
2008; 2nd instalment of =80150 on arriva= l at 
the Accademia Cusano A number of fellowships are 
available for qualified students on demand.

Katia Caldari