Call For Papers - The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (EJPE)
   Inaugural Issue

   EJPE is a peer-reviewed online journal founded by the graduate students of
   the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics at Erasmus University

   EJPE aspires to:

   ?  publish  high quality and interesting contributions to the field of
   philosophy and economics.

   ? provide a forum for inter-disciplinary content and approaches that is
   particularly friendly to Young Scholars (graduate students and recent PhD
   graduates),  supported by an efficient and constructive peer review process.

   Call For Papers

   Research domains

       (1) Methodology of economics

   Issues  falling  within the analytical philosophy of science tradition
   including  the  methodological analysis and appraisal of the concepts,
   theories  and  techniques of economics, both mainstream and heterodox.
   Contributions on methodological issues in evolutionary and institutional
   economics are particularly welcome.

       (2) History of economic thought

   Issues in the historical development of the ideas, theories, and methods of

       (3) Inter-disciplinary issues relating economics to other fields

   Issues arising from non-traditional sources of critique and investigation of
   economics, including, for example, ethics; sociology; political philosophy;
   continental philosophy; rhetoric.  Such contributions must show a clear
   connection to economic issues and involve conceptual rather than purely
   empirical analysis.

   Content sought
   Academic  articles  (5-7  per  issue;  with abstract; 4000-8000 words;
   [exceptional papers may be longer by arrangement])
   Book reviews (4-6 per issue; 500-1500 words)
   Summaries of recently completed PhD theses in philosophy and economics
   (500-1000 words)

   Article guidelines
   -All submissions should be in English.
   -Use 1.5 spacing, Microsoft Word format.
   -Articles should be between 4000-8000 words and include an abstract no
   longer than 200 words.
   -Articles should be fully referenced and signalled serially in the text of
   the article by superscripts. References should be typed in the text as
   (Author's surname, date of publication, page number). Extensive references
   and comments should appear as footnotes at the bottom of each page.
   -References: list references alphabetically by author, double-spaced, at the
   end of the manuscript.
   -Authors of accepted submissions will be asked to prepare a final version in
   the Journal's style.

   Submission Deadline: July 31st, 2008 (for publication November 2008).

   Kind regards,

   The EJPE Editors: [log in to unmask]

   Thomas Wells:
   Luis Mireles-Flores:  
   Tyler DesRoches:

Thomas Wells