*Call for papers*

*11th Summer institute on Economic History, Philosophy and History of
Economic Thought: Decision Theory :  History and Methodology*

*Paris and Surroundings, Saint-Denis *

*From Monday the 1st to Friday the 5th September 2008.*

Organized by* *PHARE (P?le d'Histoire de l'Analyse et des Repr?sentations
Economiques, Universit? Paris I Panth?on-Sorbonne), LED (Laboratoire
d'Economie Dyonisien, Universit? Paris VIII Saint-Denis) and supported
by*Association Charles Gide pour l'?tude de la Pens?e ?conomique

The Summer Institute on Economic History, Philosophy and History of Economic
Thought was created in 1998 with the following

?     Introducing PhD students and young scholars to specific subjects in
the history of economic thought;

?     Giving PhD students and young scholar papers circulation and
scientific evaluation within the history of economic thought community;

?     Bringing them to the light of recent developments in economics and
their relation to history and methodology.

In this perspective, the Summer Institute proposes:

?        - Young scholar workshops on free subjects: the paper's subjects
may differ from the Summer Institute's theme. Each contribution is discussed
by a young scholar reporter, the session's chair, and the audience

?        - Senior scholar conferences on the Summer Institute's subject.
Senior scholar speeches are based on papers on this subject and followed by
a general discussion.

Participants to the Summer Institute are usually twenty to thirty PhD
students and young scholars, in addition to ten to fifteen senior scholars.
The call for papers is intended to young scholars from European Union
countries. Papers and speeches are allowed on both English and French, the
understanding of French is however required as a condition to attend the
Summer Institute. Contributions are selected from abstract or full-paper
proposals (in English or French). The submission date limit is June 1, 2008.
Selection is made according to standard procedures in use by the scientific

*Address for paper submissions before June 1, 2008*:* *

Philippe Poinsot, [log in to unmask], Universit? Paris I
Panth?on-Sorbonne - PHARE - Maison des Sciences Economiques - 106-112
boulevard de l'H?pital - 75647 Paris cedex 13 France


This year, the subject area of the invited lectures is: "*Decision Theory -
History and Methodology"*

This issue appeals to important topics such as the confrontation of
disciplines and methods (economics, psychology, philosophy, mathematics...),
and debates on the application of the approach (behavioral finance,
distribution analysis, public decision-making, the economics of marriage,
etc...). Following the tradition of the Summer Institute's practice, the
subject will be treated so as to bring the history of economic thought
together with contemporary issues on economic theory and methodology.

Individual decision-making has been a subject matter for philosophers,
moralists, and legislators for a long time. Prior to classical political
economy, this inquiry led to a philosophy of action. This program was
followed by French and Scottish enlightenment philosophers as Jean-Jacques
Rousseau and Adam Smith. It nurtured utilitarianism and classical political
economy. Subsequently, theories of value, utility and choice continued to
evolve through the work of Jevons, Hicks, Marshall, Pareto and other
defenders of marginalism. After World War II, decision-making came to be
studied in a preference/choice-based framework. Strategic decision-making,
risk and uncertainty entered the new research program. Since the mid-1970s,
methodology seems to be changing again. Experimentation has become a new
methodological tool in the modeling of economic decision-making.

Decision theory must be understood in relation to its history and
methodology. This year's Summer Institute is intended to introduce young
scholars to both of these subjects.


   - Gunther Capelle-Blancard (CES-Team, Universit? Paris I
   Panth?on-Sorbonne): ? Finance comportementale ?
   - Marc-Arthur Diaye (CEE et Universit? d'Evry Val d'Essonne) : ? Le choix
   rationnel : une perspective historique ?
   - Fran?ois Gardes (CES-Cermsem, Universit? Paris I Panth?on-Sorbonne) :
   ? Les pr?f?rences r?v?l?es : analyse et histoire ?
   - Andr? Lapidus (Phare, Universit? Paris I Panth?on-Sorbonne) :
   ? Utilit?, pr?f?rences, choix, rationalit? : de quoi parle-t-on ? ?
   - Sandra Laugier (IUF, Universit? de Picardie - Jules Verne) :
   ? D?lib?ration, d?cision, action : une perspective philosophique ?
   - Louis L?vy-Garboua (CES-Team, Universit? Paris I
   Panth?on-Sorbonne) : ? Economie comportementale ?
   - Philippe Mongin (Cnrs et Groupe Hec) ? La th?orie de l'utilit? esp?r?e
   ? la lumi?re de la philosophie des sciences ?
   - Andreas Ortmann (Cerge-Ei, Charles University, Prague) : "Economics and
   psychology: the individual decision"
   - Christian Schmidt (Phare et Lesod, Universit? Paris IX
   Dauphine) : ? L'apport de la neuro?conomie ? l'intelligence des choix
   individuels : Origines historiques et fondements philosophiques ?
   - Peter Wakker (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) : "How do we deal with
   risk and uncertainty?"
   - Marc Willinger (Lameta, Universit? de Montpellier I) :
   ? Exp?rimentation et choix individuels ?


The Summer Institute will be held in Paris, Cit? Internationale
Universitaire (19 boulevard Jourdan,
75014 Paris, RER B - Cit? Universitaire)

And Saint-Denis : Universit? de Paris 8 Saint-Denis (2 rue de la Libert?,
93526 Saint-Denis, M?tro Saint-Denis Universit?)

Registration fee: 60 ?.* *Provides housing (Cit? Internationale
Universitaire), breakfast and lunch.

 Philippe Poinsot, [log in to unmask]

Or, Andr? Lapidus: [log in to unmask], Universit? Paris I
Panth?on-Sorbonne - PHARE - Maison des Sciences Economiques - 106-112
boulevard de l'H?pital - 75647 Paris cedex 13 France ;

Or visit: http://uehpe2008.univ-paris1.fr

 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Richard Arena (Gredeg-Demos - Cnrs -Universit? de
Nice - Sophia-Antipolis), Jos? Lu?s Cardoso (Universit? Technique de
Lisbonne), Ragip Ege (Beta-Theme - Cnrs -Universit? de Strasbourg I-Louis
Pasteur), Andr? Lapidus (Phare -Universit? Paris I-Panth?on-Sorbonne),
Jean-S?bastien Lenfant (Phare-Grese -Universit? de la R?union), Jean-Pierre
Potier (Triangle - Cnrs -Universit? Lumi?re-Lyon2), Annalisa Rosselli
(Universit? de Rome "Tor Vergata", Italie), Nathalie Sigot (Phare et Led
-Universit? Paris 8 Saint-Denis), Michel Zouboulakis (Universit? de
Thessalie, Volos, Gr?ce).

ORGANIZING COMMITEE : Nesrine Bentemessek (Phare), Laurie Br?ban (Phare),
Jean Dellemotte (Phare), Christophe Depoort?re (Led), Jos? Edwards
(Phare-Grese), Rebeca Gomez Betancourt (Phare), Andr? Lapidus (Phare),
Julien Mendez (Phare), Philippe Poinsot (Phare), Nicolas Rieucau (Led),
Goulven Rubin (Led), M?laine Rueff (Phare), Shirine Sab?ran (Eslsca et
Phare), R?gis Servant (Phare), Nathalie Sigot (Phare et Led), Claire Silvant