From my blog, just added:

I filled out a survey yesterday on community meaning. Along with questions about the 
participants' understanding of various concepts, including belonging, home and community, was 
this question, the last one:

"When do you most feel a sense of community?"

Don't remember my exact response, but it was along the lines of:

"There was only one time in my life that I felt a sense of community. It was not long after my 14th
birthday and lasted for 11 months. It occurred in a place I still pine for, a place where I could, for 
the first time, be who I was. It was the only place where I could express anger or hurt, and cry 
openly, without fear of leaving myself open to harm for doing so."

I took a walk after completing that survey and began reflecting on my answers. I soon realized 
that underlying my sense of the meaning of belonging, home and community was a single, 
uncomplicated concept: acceptance...

The post goes on to discuss the way persons are treated who have been labelled mentally ill or are
presumed to be mentally ill simply because they act differently.


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