Michael Perelman wrote:
> intellectual property is an abomination in its present 
> form.  Libertarians used to oppose it as monopoly.  What 
> happened to contemporary Libertarians? 

My sense is that modern libertarians oppose patents but 
support copyright.  I am thinking of Rothbard
(e.g., <URL:http://www.ccsindia.org/lacs/7patents_copyrights.pdf>)
but in the software arena I suppose one might also think of
the higher profile Richard Stallman.

That does not answer the crucial questions: what is covered 
by copyright, and how long does copyright last?  I assume
Rothbard would construe copyright narrowly and then make it
permanent, but I cannot cite evidence for that.

In the US, both copyright and patents have a clear 
constitutional justification: Congress has the right to 
create copy rights and patent rights to the extent that this 
promotes "progress"

It may seem obvious to an economist that Congress has 
exceeded this constitutional mandate in the copyright area, 
but recall that Lessig lost his argument in front of the 
SCOTUS by a brutal 7-2.

One thing that keeps this all a mess is that in 1790 
Congress passed a copyright law which applied retroactively.
This has been interpreted to say that the founders did not 
believe copyright extensions to violate the "limited times" 
requirement. From a modern economist's perspective, there is 
retroactive application raises problems for the progress 
justification as well.  

Alan Isaac