Alan G Isaac wrote:
> ----------------- HES POSTING -----------------
> Michael Perelman wrote:
>> intellectual property is an abomination in its present 
>> form.  Libertarians used to oppose it as monopoly.  What 
>> happened to contemporary Libertarians? 
> My sense is that modern libertarians oppose patents but 
> support copyright.  I am thinking of Rothbard
> (e.g., <URL:>)
> but in the software arena I suppose one might also think of
> the higher profile Richard Stallman.

Rather than going to Rothbard, there are other, more contemporary 
sources for libertarian views on this topic, which remains a subject of 
much contention within libertarian circles.  Some of the best work has, 
in fact, been anti-IP, both copyrights and patents.

For anti-IP arguments, see:

Stephan Kinsella, here:

Roderick Long, here:

Tom Palmer, here:  
and  here:

Steve Horwitz