13th Annual Conference
of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought
23-26 April 2009

The 13th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of
Economic Thought (ESHET) will be organized by the Economic Departments of
the University of Macedonia and the Aristotle University and will be held
at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. The special theme of
the conference is

Technological Change and Economic Analysis

The kind of questions to be asked include: What can we learn from the
history of economic thought as regards the causes, the forms and the
effects of technological change? How do different approaches to the
problem compare with one another? Which ideas and concepts were preserved
over time, which got lost, and why? Topics for discussion could include:
? Contributions to an analysis of technological change by single authors
and entire schools
? Early debates on the dynamics of technological change
? Capital accumulation and technological change
? Technological change and income distribution
? Technological change and economic development
? Technological change and (un)employment
? Technological change and its impact on the labour process
? Technological change and the environment

Professor Robert Solow (MIT, Cambridge, MA) has kindly accepted to give
one of the keynote lectures.

Proposals for papers or sessions on all other aspects of the history of
economic thought are also welcome. An abstract of about 400 words for a
paper and of about 600 words for a session should be submitted at the
latest by January 15, 2009. To submit an abstract, register at the
conference website and follow the instructions. (It is planned to publish
a selection of papers on the special theme in a conference volume.)

ESHET Young Scholars Seminar

ESHET invites young scholars (i.e. those who are working on or have just
completed a PhD, regardless of their age) to submit their work to the
Young Scholars Seminar to be held on  the occasion of the ESHET
Conference. Four submissions will be selected: ESHET will cover board,
accommodation and registration fees plus travel expenses up to ?300. The
authors of the selected papers will have 30 minutes each to present the
paper and a senior scholar, appointed by the ESHET Council, will discuss
it. Papers may be on any topic relevant to the history of economics, and
are not restricted to the conference theme. ESHET encourages young
scholars to participate in the conference. A one-year ESHET membership is
offered to all young scholars who submit a paper. Candidates should e-mail
a paper no longer than 9.000 words to Professors Ragip Ege and Tiziano
Raffaelli ([log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask]), by
February 20, 2009. The results of the selection process will be
communicated to the candidates by 25 March 2009. Papers that have not been
selected will be considered for presentation at other conference sessions.

Scientific committee: Harald Hagemann (Stuttgart-Hohenheim), Heinz D. Kurz
(Graz), Amos Witztum (London Metropolitan University), Persefoni Tsaliki
(Aristotle University, Thessaloniki), Lefteris Tsoulfidis (University of
Macedonia, Thessaloniki), Joachim Zweynert (Hamburg)

Local organizing committee: Theodore Ikonomou (Aristotle University,
Stavros Mavroudeas (University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki), Persefoni
Tsaliki (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki), Lefteris Tsoulfidis
(University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki)

Companies Act 2006 :

Amos Witztum