Pat Gunning wrote:
>----------------- HES POSTING -----------------
>John Medaille wrote:
> >Wouldn't the "science of (human) choice and
> >action (under all conditions)" be psychology? 
> John C. M??daille
>I suppose that the answer depends on how one 
>defines psychology. I don't recall any 
>psychologists defining it as the science of 
>choice, but I do now of economists who define 
>economics as the science of action, which implies choice.

The only way I can parse that sentence is, 
"Psychology is not the science of human choices; 
economics is the science of human choice and 
action." Doesn't leave much room for Psychology, 
does it?  But if I were trying to influence the 
public's product choices with an ad campaign, 
would I hire an economist or a psychologist?

John C. M?daille