The following awards were announced at the HES 2008 Annual Conference  
in Toronto in June:

Joseph Dorfman Best Dissertation for 2007 Award
Huei-Chun Su, University of Exeter
"Economic Justice and Liberty: The Social Philosophy in John Stuart  
Mill's Utilitarianism"
Supervisor, John Maloney

Best Article in the History of Economics for 2007 Award
Ivan Moscati, Universit? Bocconi
"Early Experiments in Consumer Demand Theory: 1930-1970," History of  
Political Economy, 39:3, 2007

Joseph J. Spengler Best Book in the History of Economics for 2007 Award
Thomas K. McCraw, Harvard University
Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction  
(2007), Harvard University Press

Distinguished Fellow Award
Donald E. Moggridge, University of Toronto

Congratulations to all winners, and thanks to all committee members  
who adjudicated the awards.

Avi Cohen