This is a followup to a post I wrote on the 26th of June, in which I reported on a literature study 
which claimed to have uncovered a strong link between increased intake of Vitamin D and the 
easing of chronic back pain. 

My back had become increasingly bad over the past dozen years, to the point it was forcing me to 
be bedridden for a full 24-hour period, two to three times a week. 

Therefore, when I read this very thorough study, I was happy to test its conclusion myself. After 
all, taking Vitamin D supplements in the doses recommended couldn't do any harm.

That same day being one of my better days, I trekked to the store to get some Vitamin D - 100 
pills, 1,000 IUD each - and began taking two daily...

Full article (use tinyurl link if first is broken):

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