A commentary by Elsie Hambrook, Chair of the New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of 
Women, is a must-read.

"When Doris Anderson, former and famed editor of Chatelaine and lifelong activist, came to Saint 
John on a stormy winter night in 2003, drawing hundreds of women to hear her speak on 
electoral reform, she confided something that, years later, still makes some of us think…"

Getting the message out to the public [no matter what it is] is damn hard these days. Not just 
because the media and corporate and party elites are so strongly against democratic and 
electoral reform, but because, among other things, locations where people come together are 
increasingly not available for canvassing or soliciting.

For example, at the All Candidates Meeting in my community, I wanted to distribute Fair Vote 
Canada flyers on the seats in the theatre. I’d printed off 250 flyers, plus sheets of the FVC 
petition for candidates and audience members to sign (was hoping to ask a question at the mic 
on ER/PR).

When I arrived at the ACM venue, I asked permission of the manager to distribute my flyers on 
the theatre seats.


So I asked permission to distribute the flyers outside, at the front of the building.

Denied again.

Even the purportedly public sidewalk fronting the building was off-limits….

Full article: http://tinyurl.com/3mb99f


WISE Book - Policies of Exclusion, Poverty & Health: Stories from the front
Podcast Channel: http://bcseawalker.podbean.com/
Personal Blog: Challenging the Commonplace - and other irreverent activities

See also Fair Vote Canada's home for abandoned, neglected and abused voters -

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