[Apologies for cross-posting. I submitted this to one other listserv yesterday and since then, the 
article has been getting a great deal of attention. Which it should. It's profoundly powerful, 
moving and wise.]

Have a folder on my computer named 'Treasures'. In the five years it has existed, only four items 
have found their way into it. The following is number four, which I recently discovered on a 
discussion board.

Have been unable to connect with the author, whose real name I don't know, to get his/her 
permission to reproduce. But given the content of the piece, I feel safe in supposing that the 
author cares far more about the message than being recognized as its source.

The message is way too important not to be spread as far and wide as possible. If you're 
anything like me, it will haunt you long after you've read it - which is a good thing.

It is too long to reprint here, so instead I point you to my blog, where I've reproduced it in full:

"Poverty, Homelessness and Willpower or The Secrets We Don't Tell Non-Roughers" - 

Book: Policies of Exclusion, Poverty & Health: Stories from the front
Podcast Channel: http://bcseawalker.podbean.com/
Blog: Challenging the Commonplace - and other irreverent activities

If you live in BC, help promote the May 12 referendum on electoral reform -
visit http://www.stv.ca/

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