Daphne and I were holding onto a post for our blog that we'd prepared earlier, waiting for the 
right moment to publish it. This is that moment.

Michael Ignatieff has declared that the Liberals will accept the Harper budget, under the proviso 
the Conservatives issue progress reports. This condition does not speak to the issues we raised 
in one post after another after another on our popular blog. With Budget 2009, there'll still be 
nothing for those already desperately poor, nothing for those who are the most vulnerable to 
the economic downturn, the other poor to those deserving "vulnerable" who the neocons favour 
will get any assistance. (And even that will be too little to make a difference.)

Here's the post we've been saving: http://tinyurl.com/c78tcx

Book: Policies of Exclusion, Poverty & Health: Stories from the front
Podcast Channel: http://bcseawalker.podbean.com/
Blog: Challenging the Commonplace - and other irreverent activities

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