Speaking as someone interested in both textual variation and
photography, I am interested in this minor tributary of Twain's
literary Mississippi. Without obsession, how we see Twain is based on
whether the negative is reversed.  And if reversed, when was it
reversed, and which version is correct? That can only be answered in
the clarity of details.

If looking for another topic I recently asked if anyone knew where
Franklin Whitmore's body of work on Twain might be located. If not at
the MTP, then where? Having spent many years in the role of
administrator (a secretary with a better title but not better salary) I
know a person in this position gets stuck with an abundance of material
(copies of letters, working drafts and proofs, etc) that may be
destined either for trash or for an attic. If an attic, how did
Whitmore's estate divide the non-liquid assets? A painting by Whitmore
recently came under auction (in 2007) and it was found in 2001 in a
southern CT antique shop. Might there be other material floating out
