More of our tax dollars at work people!

EXCERPT from latest blog post:

"That the quality of life between women and men differs as they age and that women's health 
disproportionately deteriorates with age comes as no surprise to the hundreds of researchers 
who have been crying the clarion call for decades about the social determinants of health.... 

"Any SDOH researcher will tell you that i) poverty is associated with poor health and ii) more 
women than men are poor. Women's health researchers have provided countless reasons why 
the latter is the case....

"It therefore comes as a shock to learn of researchers who, working on behalf of Statistics 
Canada, never appear to have heard of the SDOH or, more particularly, the association of poverty 
to health and to women...."

Full article:

Book: Policies of Exclusion, Poverty & Health: Stories from the front
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