Dear subscribers,


The program for the 2009 AAO conference is now available (see attachment). The conference will be held at the York University campus from Thursday June 11th until Friday the 12th. The evening reception on Thursday night will be held at the AO and hosted by Miriam McTiernan, who will offer delegates tours of the new facility. The building just opened recently, so we will be one of the first groups to view this amazing new purpose-built structure. The conference sessions, which address the theme of new beginnings, will be held on Friday, ending with the AGM and a pub night which will be held on campus.


The AAO board would like to express its gratitude to Miriam McTiernan and Michael Moir and their staff for assisting us with this conference and program. It should prove to be a compact and enlightening conference.


We would encourage those of you interested in attending to use the on-line registration system available through Becker Associates. It is the quickest and most efficient way to proceed. Here is the link to the registration form:


More details will follow and will be posted on the AAO website over the next week or two.


We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference this year!



AAO Board of Directors