So much has been said--and yet there's one thing more that I want to
praise that I think no one else has singled out.  The printed program we
got along with the packet.  Jeez, but it was splendid!  It was gorgeous
and loaded with extras.  Given my scholarly proclivities, I really paid
attention to the photographic facsimiles of letters, notebook pages, and
documents that were included along with reproductions of photos of Twain
and people associated with him, and of drawings, book illustrations, and
much more.  I've never seen a such a colorful and informative program that
is itself virtually a collector's item.  A new acquaintance, an
independent scholar (another group welcomed), talked to me about
typewriters and Twain based on the facsimile of the 1909 document from
Consolidated Typewriter Exchange on p. 37 (courtesy of the MTPapers at
Berkeley).   I hope he makes a presentation in the near future.

Thanks to Mark Woodhouse and the folks from Berkeley along with Barb for
that spectacular program.
