Hello all,
I have updated the website with Hal Holbrook in Elmira.  Thanks to the
generous permission of Patrick Ober, I posted the audio he made of Mr.
Holbrook speaking about the influence of Twain scholarship on his own career
(the audio plays with a video I made of Elmira College--my first computer
editing attempt).  I also posted some of Patrick's pictures (with his
permission, of course) at the bottom of the site.

I have decided against a transcription of the event--partially due to time
constraints, but also due to the importance of the performance.
Plagiarizing myself: "Elsewhere, Twain noted that a written report of a
speech conveys nothing of the living essence of the speech and no more
conveys “that lecture to the reader than a person represents a *man* to you
when he ships you the corpse.”[1] <#_ftn1>

The website with the recordings is:



Tracy Wuster
American Studies, UT Austin


[1] <#_ftnref> Quoted in Lorch, 106.