On the occasion of Twain's birthday, I laid the final piece in place of
a project that I had started last year - a Google map entitled "Mark
Twain's America." This delayed due to a change of employment on my part.
You can see it at
&t=h&z=19 . While the last piece is in place, that does not mean that
the project is finished. Some people had sent me pictures for the
project last year that may have been lost in the transition, and I'm
always glad to hear from anyone who has a better picture of any location
than the one I've used. I will also expand the text in many of these

On a related topic, I noticed that there was not a Twain-related image
in the vast library of IGoogle themes, so I created one from pictures of
the Hartford house at:


Hopefully others will go and do likewise.

Terry Ballard
The New York Law School, Mendik Library