Forum Members, Recently I had an opportunity to hear a recitation of Twain's 1601. The artist who did the recitation was skilled and his gentle application of Elizabethan English and his presentation was charming. I have read 1601 dozens of times and whether it's scanning the Old English type or getting my ear used to the iambic pentameter cadence of the spoken word I find it tough slogging. I read it in fits and starts. However, to hear it read aloud by a "native speaker" is to understand it all, and be shocked out of your socks when he gets to the dirty words. I will not repeat them here, nay, me lords, for this is a monitored forum, and even though Twain said these words first I haven't the manhood to set them down before your eyes. "What are your favorite swear words...that Twain employs in his writing-any of his writing?" you ask. 1601 is far and away Twain at his bawdiest. Here is my question back to you: "Livy as his moderator, mentor and muse had a velvet hammer that she employed as she urged her husband to do better, even finer things. Did Livy ever know of 1601? Rick Talbot In Minnesota The State that elected Jessie Ventura Governor