Are there particular editions they're looking for?

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:06 PM, brent colley <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> Good Afternoon Everyone,
> There is a Associated Press article in the works on Mark Twain and they are
> requesting book cover images. Does anyone have any of the books they are
> interested in? I've included her email below the request if anyone has any
> of these.
> This is the request:
> This is the list of books the writer is going to talk about. It would be
> nice to have 5 photos of each, specially for Huckleberry Finn and Tom
> Sawyer
> (so far we have two photos for Finn and Sawyer an one for the rest.)
> Huckleberry Finn
> Tom Sawyer
> The Gilded Age
> The Tragedy of Puddin'head Wilson
> Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
> The Prince and the Pauper
> The Man that Corrupted Hadleysburg
> Inncocents Abroad
> Tina
> [log in to unmask]