The following announcement of funding program may be of interest to some members.
Iona McCraith, AAO Preservation Consultant

 Please note the Museums and Technology Fund has launched for 2010-2011.  Submission DEADLINE is August 13, 2010.  I've attached the original launch letter, the Program Guidelines and Application form in English.  If you wish to work with a French language version, same is available online as noted below.  Questions should be directed to Carol Law and her contact info is below as well.
Best regards,

Kendra Adema

Regional Advisor

Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration

Ministry of Health Promotion

Ministry of Tourism and Culture

300 Water Street, 2nd Floor South Tower

Peterborough ON  K9J 8M5

Phone: (705) 755-2580

Toll Free:  1-800-461-7629

Fax:  (705) 755-2631

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From: Law, Carol (MTC)
Sent: July 7, 2010
Subject: 2010-2011 Museums and Technology Fund
Importance: High

Good morning


I am very pleased to inform you that later this morning, we will be launching the application intake for the 2010-2011 Museums and Technology Fund (MTF).


Notices will be sent via e-mail to provincial heritage organizations to request their assistance in sharing the information to their members. Attached please find a copy of the launch letter that will be sent to these organizations. Also attached for your information are copies of the 2010-2011 MTF program guidelines and application form. Program materials are also available in French on the website (


The program remains the same as last year with a few improvements. J Based on feedback provided by staff and external reviewers who assisted with the roll-out and evaluation of last year’s applications, we have made several key clarifications to the program materials:


a)      A generic email account ([log in to unmask]) has been set-up to receive general inquiries and more importantly, electronic application submissions.

b)      Eligible and ineligible project costs have been further clarified to assist potential applicants in determining which costs can be supported by the Ministry.

c)      Application assessment process has been made public so that applicants know prior to submitting their application how it will be evaluated.

d)      Application deadline and acceptable methods for submitting an application have been clearly identified.

e)      A sample project evaluation strategy has been provided to assist applicants in preparing their applications.


I would greatly appreciate your assistance in disseminating information about this year’s program to your teams, and encouraging them to promote it to their clients. Regional Advisors should feel free to direct organizations wishing additional information or help in developing their projects to me for further assistance. I will endeavour to keep all of you updated on the inquiries that we receive for the program over the next several weeks, and will certainly look to my RSB colleagues to be my “eyes and ears” out in the community.


Best regards,



Carol Law

Culture Programs Advisor

Culture Programs Unit

Programs and Services Branch

Ministry of Tourism and Culture

400 University Avenue, 4th Floor

Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R9

Phone: (416) 314-5186

Fax: (416) 314-7175

Email: [log in to unmask]