
What is the most comprehensive (best?) edition of Huckleberry Finn for me
to buy for myself?

Any recommendations are appreciated.

Thank you,

Charlie Cogar
Omaha, Nebraska

> =20
> I know this is OT, but think a number of folks here might enjoy this. To =
> promote his new ARSENIC AND CLAM CHOWDER (SUNY), the history of an 1896 =
> murder in NY, author James Livingstone re-wrote an 1896 folk song to =
> pose the question-"Who put the arsenic in Mrs. Bliss's Chowder?" An =
> interesting book promo-
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DeiFcVJl-kzo
> =20
> =20
> =20
> =20
> Dr. Wesley Britton
> www.spywise.net
> Co-host, Dave White Presents
> www.audioentertainment.org/dwp