Applications are now being accepted UNTIL OCTOBER 14TH, 4 PM for the David Wurfel Award, which provides financial support to an undergraduate or master's student who intends to conduct thesis research on the topic of Filipino history, culture or society.

The $2,000 award is open to students enrolled at York University in social sciences or humanities programs (including the Faculites of Law, Environmental Studes, Liberal Arts & Professional Studies and Graduate Studies); who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons; have a grade point average of at least B; and who demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to applicants of Filipino origin who show promise of leadership in the Filipino community in Canada.

Applications should be submitted by 4pm on Thursday, Oct. 14, to: David Wurfel Award, York Centre for Asian Research, 834 York Research Tower, 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ont., M3J 1P3. The recipient will be informed within 30 days.

For more information, visit the York Centre for Asian Research Web site at or e-mail the YCAR coordinator at [log in to unmask]. For an application form, go to