Dear colleagues
May I draw to your attention the possibility of reading for a PhD in the 
history and/or philosophy of economics at City University London.  My 
current student has submitted his thesis - on the history of national income 
accounting - and there is thus a vacancy.  More information on the process 
may be seen at .  
A number of University and Departmental studentships will be available for 
good applicants on a (highly) competitive basis.  Part-time study is also a 
Some illustrative topics:  
The evolution of Hayek's monetary theory
The micro and the macro of the labour theory of value
Keynes's wartime vision of the post-war international financial system
The methodology of orthodox and heterodox economics 
Rhetoric and pluralism
18th century providentialism
The deadline for the University bursaries is 31 January.  The deadline for 
Departmental ones is 30 April.

Please do ask potential candidates to send me an email: [log in to unmask] - 
and do also disseminate this announcement, with care of course.  
Dr Andy Denis
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Economics Department 
City University London
London EC1V 0HB 
+44 (0)20 7040 0257