I wrote a review for the Forum on Twain's Feast, a book about Mark Twain and American culinary history, of sorts. There are some recipes in that text, a few of which are for Twain's favorites. Check it out. Also, many of the recipes from the 19th century do not have exact measurements as we use today, so you shouldn't expect as exacting recipes as we see Julia Child use. Carolyn Leutzinger Richey -----Original Message----- From: Click, Benjamin A <[log in to unmask]> To: TWAIN-L <[log in to unmask]> Sent: Mon, Feb 14, 2011 1:33 pm Subject: A recipe from Twain Dear Forum: A colleague of mine is putting together an anthology of recipes from iterary sources. I mentioned that Twain references food often his works, ut I wasn't sure if he have any "complete" recipe of a dish or a drink in ny of his letters, books, or notebooks. These would be recipes that have easurements and instructions. I gave her the 1874 letter to Livy that ontains the ingredients of one of Twain's favorite drinks, but there are n= easurements. Let me know if you any references that I could send my colleague. Best, en