Dear Fidel,

The book must be the following:

Douglass V. Brown et al., The Economics of the Recovery Program, New 
York: Whittlesey House: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1934.

Here is the table of contents:

Depressions, by J.A. Schumpeter.
Purchasing power, by Edward Chamberlin.
Controlling industry, by E.S. Mason.
Helping labor, by D.V. Brown.
Higher prices, by S.E. Harris.
Helping the farmer, by Wassily Leontief.
Economics versus politics, by O.H. Taylor.

As you may see, all papers were wrtten by Harvard professors, and 
their reactions to the recovery program, i.e., Roosevelt New Deal 
policies, were quite skeptical and negative.

Hope this helps.

with best wishes,

Masazumi Wakatabe

On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 19:59:04 -0500
  Fidel Aroche <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Looking for another reference, hope someone can help.
> A few years ago I bumped into a 1930's book compiling a number of 
>studies by various academics in US Universities assesing the 1929 
>Depression on various fronts of the US economy. W. Leontief wrote a 
>contribution (which I managed to xerox). Unfortunately I was careless 
>enough to misplace it and now I just haven't got a clue of how to 
>find that book. Could anyone help, please?
> Best regards
>Fidel Aroche