Hello Faculty of Health Students,

Are you sitting in class and wondering how to approach your professor? To break the ice, come to our Faculty of Health Student Caucus Meet and Greet event. It is a great way to meet and interact with your professors from your program. To have deep discussions, we are having a panel of professors that can answer various questions that are on your mind.

You may be wondering “What are the advantages of meeting faculty members?”  The advantages are:

·         Knowing your faculty more personally-  to create a network

·         Learning about the daily work and research your professors execute

·         A great way to learn how to get a reference letter or volunteer work with your professor

Event Details

Thursday October 6th, 2011@ 5: 30 p.m. to 7: 30 p.m. 

Calumet College, Rm. 100

Special Guests on Panel:
Dr. Wu (Kine);
Dr. Crozier (Nursing);
Dr. Lexchin (HLST);
TBA (Psych).

Free food will be provided!

Please view the flyer attached.

Faculty of Health Student Caucus
126C Calumet College       

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