The Mark Twain Forum needs a reviewer for the following book:

_Fairest Picture: Mark Twain at Lake Tahoe_ by David C. Antonucci.
(Art of Learning Publishing, 2011). Softcover, 294 pp. ISBN
9781463765699. $17.99.

The publisher's website for the book is:

The ideal reviewer should be familiar with both the works of Antonucci
and Robert E. Stewart on this topic as published in the_Nevada
Historical Society Quarterly_, Volume 51, No. 2 (Summer 2008). The
reviewer should also be familiar with the debates earlier this year
surrounding the naming of Sam Clemens Cove -- one background article
on the topic is online from the Sacramento Bee:

The review would be due around  the middle of December.  Please email
me if you are interested in writing this review.
