Hi Folks,

Please excuse cross-posting.

It has been a busy fall for everyone and we all need a bit of a break.  The
AAO East/Est executive has been a little quiet on the event planning front
as we are working on some behind the scene tasks, such as, our constitution
and we have a little announcement in the near future for something big for
Ottawa and the Chapter Area (Are ya feeling the anticipation, you should

But hark, I hear those holiday bells ringing and so as VP, I’m offering up
a little party at my place in celebration of the season.  If you are
interested in a cozy little gathering of archivist around a potluck meal
please do check out the attached invitation for full details.  If you could
RSVP to [log in to unmask] that would be great.

Hmm, just noticed I forgot to put in my address on the invite that it is in

Event: Christmas potluck

Location: 2, 19 Arlington, Ottawa

Time: 7pm onwards


John D. Lund, VP

AAO East/Est

613-580-2424 x13684