Sometime back around 1960, Charles Neider did a book called The Adventures of Colonel Sellers, which purported to be just the parts of The Gilded Age written by Mark Twain. In the introduction, he quoted a couple of letters in which Twain listed which chapters (or parts of chapters) were his. The last time I read The Gilded Age, about 25 years ago, I copied down those two lists (which didn’t agree 100 percent, but close enough) and kept them handy, so when I read a certain section that involved Sellers but didn’t sound quite Twainish I could check and see whether it was or not.

I’m reading The Gilded Age again right now, and just today I went to the university library to recopy those lists – but the Neider book isn’t there any more. So my question is, does anybody have one or both of those lists handy?

-- Bob G.