I've been reading Twain's "What Is Man" and other Essays  and came  
upon what I'm pretty sure is a typo.

In every version I've been able to find, the typo is repeated..

at the risk of being accused of being the only one in the parade who  
is in step....
I say,

check this out:

In Twain's essay "Switzerland, the Cradle of Liberty", he talks about  
Jungfrau and how it differs from other peaks. He talks of how it is  

"The gateway, in the dark-colored barrier, makes a strong frame for  
the great picture. The somber frame and the glowing snow-pile are  
startlingly contrasted. It is this frame which concentrates and  
emphasizes the glory of the Jungfrau and makes it the most engaging  
and beguiling and fascinating spectacle that exists on the earth.  
There are many mountains of snow that are as lofty as the Jungfrau and  
as nobly proportioned, but they lack the fame. They stand at large;  
they are intruded upon and elbowed by neighboring domes and summits,  
and their grandeur is diminished and fails of effect."

I humbly entreat future publishers to take the courageous step of  
correcting this OBVIOUS publishing error. NO WAY would Twain have  
written "fame"!!

John Greenman
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"The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the  
lightning ain't distributed right.”"
-Mark Twain