N.B.: I am posting this message on behalf of Berlinica Publishing. Please
direct all queries to the e-mail address listed at the publisher's web


I would like to alert everybody to an upcoming book with new stories by Mark
Twain. It is about a little-known, but interesting journey Twain and his
family made to Berlin in the winter of 1891/1892, The book has an account of
his adventures from his trouble with the Prussian police and the equivalent
of the IRS up to his dinner with the German Emperor, Wilhelm II. It also
depicts some research Twain did, for instance on Wilhelmina of Prussia, the
sister of Frederick the Great. This part is written by Andreas Austilat, a
metro editor at Tagesspiegel, Berlin's leading daily, and it includes quotes
from Twain's diary and from people who have met him. There will also be a
preface by Lewis Lapham. Furthermore, the book features the article "Berlin:
The Chicago of Europe", but it will also have three not-yet published Twain
stories from the vault of the Mark Twain Library in Berkeley, as well as
stories on the author from German newspapers at that time, and some
before-after pictures.

The book will be published in July 2012 by Berlinica, a New-York-based
publisher (owned  by me). Right now, there is a fundraiser at Kickstarter to
make that possible. There are also rewards, including, of course, a preview
copy of the book itself. Also, Backers will be mentioned in the book as a
Mark-Twain-endorser. The most valuable reward is a day-long guided tour in
Berlin to all the places Twain has been (including a free hotel).

The link also contains a little movie that tells everything about the book.


And here is my website:


Dr. Eva C. Schweitzer
Berlinica Publishing LLC
255 West 43rd St, Suite 1012
New York, NY, 10036, USA
ph (1)-212-575-5586
cell (1)-646-651-2212

Gaudystraße 7
10437 Berlin, Germany
ph 01149-30-4404-6104
cell 01149-170-424-7050
