Hello all, Haven't posted anything here for a while; been producing my Mark Twain show a couple of times a month here in Chicago, and adding new material all the time. I was very fortunate to have Bernie Sahlins produce a "Mark Twain In Person" for The Driehaus Museum here. Bernie is well into his eighties--he founded the Second City Theatre; we've worked on many projects together since 1979, but this was the first time he'd produced my Mark Twain show. The Driehaus is set to produce "Mark Twain's Christmas" in December (it says here); please let me know if you'd like comps/discounts to any of my shows that play in your area. It's the least I can do to repay the pages and pages of interesting and useful information and literature relating to our mutual Twainmania. Also, I've also published another Mark Twain audio book: Roughing It. It came in at 19 hours and 10 minutes, and I'm selling it as a download for $25 on my own "Mark Twain In Person" website. I am aware that this book has already been recorded several times, but I've decided to not let that interfere with my enjoyment of it--nor any of the other books that I've "covered"--it's always been the work itself that has been the greatest reward--savoring his words, inhabiting the character,and reliving his amazing and varied adventures. Anyone wishing for a "pre-publication" mp3 download of Roughing It, please email me directly and I'll send you a free copy. This offer will expire July 31 at midnight. Also, I've begun recording Chapters from my Autobiography. I am posting the chapters on SoundCloud as they are finished, but I will begin removing the opening chapters once I reach Chapter 10, Hopefully some will want to buy the whole book to share with a fellow Twainiac. Richard Henzel