speaking of the Lincoln Of Our Lit.: I was seriously blown away by the look and feel, and portrayal of Lincoln by Daniel Day Lewis. it was just short of uncanny. I am not sure if an American icon has ever been portrayed as effectively/ acted out so convincingly -- simply, just "looked" like the person, or at least how I'd imagine him. WOW. just give him the Oscar right now, it was awesome... I'd be interested if anyone had the same feelings. I think the bar has been set so high with this performance, I cannot see even trying to get someone to act Mark Twain in a film of such magnitude. Thoughts?? -hb -- Harold K. Bush, Ph.D Professor of English Saint Louis University St. Louis, MO 63108 314-977-3616 (w); 314-771-6795 (h) <www.slu.edu/x23809.xml>