In addition to Adam's comments here, I would suggest that everyone check to ensure that you are in fact listed as a paid member if you ought to be.

I discovered this week that although I had paid my membership fees for 2012-2013 my membership had not been renewed. If it happened once it may well have happened multiple times.


On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Adam Becker <[log in to unmask]> wrote:



After a couple of years of light restricted access to the digital version Off the Record on, the board requested that the newsletter be locked down to paid members only.


We implemented this change in December and added many users to the permission group. It seems we missed a few names at that time. We went through the list again over the last couple of days and added the missing names based on our records of who is paid up for the membership year ending March 31, 2013.


Our apologies for the lack of clearer communication in advance of posting the latest newsletter under these new access rules.


If you have an account on the AAO website and still do not see the file downloads for OTR, then it is likely your membership is not up to date. If you believe this is an error, please let us know and we will review and can quickly set you up to get all the issues of OTR. Please contact the office at [log in to unmask] to follow-up if this is the case.


Renewing online at this time does not grant you immediate access; we will need to process your renewal and then add you manually to the website. We hope to get this process improved for the new membership year.


Best regards




Becker Associates

Adam Becker
President, CTO
Toronto Tel: 416-538-1650
Montreal Tel: 514-274-0742
Fax: 416-489-1713
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