Dear Faculty of Health Students,

Please consider coming out to these two events coordinated by the Faculty of Health Student Caucus, Master's Office of Stong College, and the Career Center. On March 7th from 10AM-3PM The Faculty of Health Student Caucus will be hosting the Health Career Expo in Stong Dining Hall, these workshops below have been specially designed to help prepare you for the event.  

1) Resume Writing
Does your resume present your experiences, education and skills in a way that effectively showcases your abilities? Understand the characteristics of effective targeted resumes. Learn how to strengthen your resume with accomplishment statements. 
When: February 19th, 2013 from 1:30-3:30PM
Where? Stong College Sylvester's Room

2) Making a Great First Impression
Create a positive impression and gain strategies for increasing your confidence when interacting with others to get the job you want. Gain insight into the factors that people use to form judgments and learn how you can gain more control over the first impression that you make. Learn how to introduce yourself in a way that effectively summarizes your skills, goals and accomplishments. 
When: February 26, 2013 from 1:30-3:30PM
Where: Stong College Master's Dining Room 

Register NOW for the workshops. Limited spaces available to register, login to: and use the Workshop search box and keywords "Create Your Future" or "Stong College" or "Faculty of Health"

SAVE THE DATE: 2013 Health Career Expo, March 7th, 10AM- 3PM, Stong Dining Hall

Ayala Rubin 

Chair, Faculty of Health Student Caucus, York University
Candidate, Honours BSc. Psychology
email: [log in to unmask]