This is one of the funniest things I have ever read.

One long (well, not that long, to be fair) insulting personal attack against a man who "cannot criticize without becoming personal and insulting".

I know nothing about Willa Cather except her name, but I sure hope she was more self-aware than she appears to be in this bit of bilious bunkum.


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On Apr 17, 2013, at 9:59 AM, Dustin Zima <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I am teaching My Antonia, and came across this little cutie:=20
> ob-by-willa-cather/
> This might explain why Cather was not seated at Twain's table at his notorio=
> us 70th Birthday Celebration. =20
> Dustin Zima
> Quincy University=