Family planning and HIV: New evidence, future directions
FHI 360 is pleased to announce publication of a supplement of the journal AIDS dedicated to expanding the evidence base on how the fields of family planning and HIV are interrelated - and how they can be better integrated in practice.
The 2013 supplement of AIDS brings to the forefront the latest advances in research, programs and policy on family planning-HIV integration. It offers original research, cutting-edge reviews and opinion pieces on topics such as:

*         Biomedical and basic science research on the relationship between reproductive health and HIV transmission and disease,

*         Behavioral research examining contraceptive practices and fertility choices among women and couples affected by HIV,

*         Implementation science evaluating innovations in integrated delivery of services, and

*         Evidence-based recommendations for policy and programming.
The supplement was guest-edited by Rose Wilcher, MPH, and Ward Cates, MD, MPH, from FHI 360, and Jared Baeten, MD, PhD, from the University of Washington. It was produced with support from the US Agency for International Development through the Preventive Technologies Agreement<> with FHI 360.
To access the supplement's table of contents, click here<>.

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